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Rosacea Q&A

A Private Medical Practice & Dermatologist located in Grapevine, TX

Rosacea services offered in Grapevine, TX

If your skin is often flushed with visible veins or swollen bumps, it could be due to rosacea. At his private practice in Grapevine, Texas, board-certified dermatologist James R. Bond, Jr., MD, PA, treats rosacea using various methods to clear up your skin and reduce bothersome symptoms. Call his office to learn more about your options or use the online booking tool today.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes blushing of your face and other unpleasant symptoms that may embarrass you or feel comfortable. The good news is that treating rosacea offers you the clearer, healthier-looking skin you long for without invasive procedures or downtime. Dr. Bond offers a variety of options to match your needs and preferences.

What are the symptoms of rosacea?

The common symptoms of rosacea include:

  • Facial blushing
  • Flushing
  • Visible facial veins
  • Swollen or irritated eyelids
  • Pimples
  • Enlarged nose
  • Burning sensations

The skin on your face may feel hot or tender because of rosacea. At the first sign of a problem, see Dr. Bond for an evaluation. 

What are the risk factors for rosacea?

Anyone can develop rosacea, but common risk factors include:

  • Being female
  • Family history of rosacea
  • Being over 30
  • Smoking
  • Skin that burns easily with sun exposure

Common triggers that may cause rosacea flare-ups are alcoholic drinks, hot beverages, spicy foods, sun, wind, temperature extremes, strong emotions, exercise, and some medicines or cosmetic products. 

How does my doctor diagnose rosacea?

To know if you have rosacea, Dr. Bond examines your skin, reviews your symptoms and medical history, and discusses the desired results with you. He may complete additional tests to diagnose or rule out other skin conditions before tailoring your treatment plan.

How is rosacea treated?

Your personalized rosacea treatment may include one or more of the following:

Lifestyle changes

To reduce rosacea symptoms or flare-ups, protect your skin from the sun using sunscreen or protective clothing. Avoid rosacea flare-up triggers, avoid touching or rubbing your face, use nonsoap cleansers twice daily, and keep your skin moisturized. Avoid harsh skin irritants, reduce visible flushing with makeup if you’d like, and consider daily facial massages.


Taking oral medications or using topical medicines can reduce rosacea and its flare-ups.

Laser therapy

Dr. Bond offers laser treatments to reduce visible blood vessels in your face. He lets you know if you’re a candidate for the procedure, which may require repeat treatments to produce the most desirable results.

To reduce bothersome rosacea symptoms, call James R. Bond, Jr., MD, PA, or book an appointment online today.